Thursday, November 26, 2009


I’ve ever heard that life’s decisions come with a bounteous
price tag. Well, I guess I’m really starting to realize that.

I hit spent
seventeen years building a strong relationship with my parents. We share everything - the good, the bad, and always, the truth.

Being an exclusive child, I hit enjoyed all of the attention, love, and rewards of having my parents all to myself.

Our bond is
incredibly strong, as apiece of us brings love, support, and individuality to our home. No matter what, I know that I can count on them.

My mom works two jobs to help foregather our needs. This makes it impossible for her to attend all of my sports events. Even if she isn’t visible at a game, I know that she is with me in spirit. My daddy’s work schedule is more flexible.

Through my six years of playing three sports, he hasn’t missed over three games. He is quiet because I ask him not to cheer, but I know exactly where to look for his approbatory expressions. Together, we are like the Rock of Gibraltar!

Then, cardinal months ago, papa went in for a routine doctor’s appointment and was diagnosed with cancer. That was the day that the world seemed to almost stop. We were forced to consider all of the possibilities that came with this diagnosis.

It hasn’t been easy and ease isn’t, but my daddy has fought the bravest fight. Even when he was taking treatments, he was ever at my events.

He has tried to
keep chronicle as connatural as possible, but I ease see the pain. So, thinking of leaving home is an modify bigger sacrifice than I ever anticipated.

It is no deceit to say that I hit been my parents’ full world. We depend on apiece other for everything. Then comes my senior year.

We look so nervy to it, but don’t
realize the emotional hardships that come along with it - playing that last game, saying beatific - bye to friends that you’ve had your full life, leaving those teachers that hit nurtured you, and most of all the reality of being without your parents everyday.

I can’t imagine being without their regular hugs and encouraging smiles, waking up and not sight my dad’s face, and those nightly family times spent together. My life’s imagine is out there, and my college activity has never been questioned.

Everyone knows that an activity and a position in my chosen profession hit been and ease are my main goals in life. My academics hit ever come first, and I hit been able to effectively balance all of my activities.

I know that this is a Brobdingnagian step in my life. It won’t be easy for any of us. Our future is so uncertain that I’m afraid that I may lose valuable time with my parents.

My exclusive
consolation is in knowing that receiving a college activity is not meet my dream, but my mom and dad’s imagine too.